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  • Guns
    Ares L85 A3
    TM M14
    TM SR15
    KW P226
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    Currently YTA The Kingdom.
    Previously Section 8, The Fort and The Hill.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Sheffield, South Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming, Films and Engineering

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  1. Hello All, Wonder if anyone can recommend a retailer that sells MTP kit in XXXL sizes, or failing that someone that makes such things? Not having much joy searching the interwebs myself. Thanks. Rob
  2. Thanks for the responses guys... What about manufacturers in terms of best AEGs out of the box, and best for bolt action rifles (I appreciate upgrades will be neccessary for this one in particular!). Thanks again, Rob
  3. Hi All, Years ago I used to play Operation Flashpoint with a chap called Stuart Fisher... As we sort of lost touch he too started getting into Airsoft in the Newcastle area... Also Chris Gunter... He used to play in Fife at the Fort I imagine... Just wondering if anyone knows of these chaps, or if they are about themselves... Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to get in touch with them again. Thanks! Rob
  4. Hi All, Any advice, as usual, is most welcome... I have been getting back into airsoft over the past 6 weeks (doesn't my bank balance know it!) and I was wondering the pros and cons of importing from overseas, particularly HK. I should have a UKARA membership in the next 6 weeks and presumably I would have to wait until then, but I would like to know what to be aware of when the time comes so I can horde my doubloons in the meantime! Additionally, I do have some cash to spend on upgrades, but if I was to buy some new AEGs, Spring Snipers and GBBs, what manufacturers provide the best kit right out the box... In my day it was pretty much TM or nowt! Thanks! Rob
  5. Hi All, I am looking for some radios, preferably something I can dual channel, and what type of mics/headsets would you recommend? I would also like to have the PTT buttons on longer wires so i can have them on my foregrip! Any recommendations are most welcome! Thanks! Rob
  6. Perfect! Looking at YTA at Barnsley on Sunday! Thanks for the help. Rob
  7. Good Morning All! I am looking for a site near Sheffield that is going to be running a game day on Sunday... Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks! Rob
  8. If I intend to go to a site soon with my mostly old kit, thats been sitting in cases and bags for 10 years, what do I really need to do to the AEGs before taking them out? Test firing is a no no for me sadly! Any advice would be welcome. Thanks, Rob
  9. Is there a specific requirement to use LiPo batteries in specific AEGs, or will either work? Forgive my density on such matters!
  10. I should have asked before I splurged. I will be looking at Lithium in the near future though. Is there specific chargers etc. required for LiPo batteries? Dischargers etc.? Thanks, Rob
  11. Hi Dan, Thanks for the reply. Its all NIMH batteries. Based on what you have recommended I think middle of the road at 2A would be a good place to be. Thanks again!
  12. Hi All, Been a long time since I have been to a site, but I have recently bought myself some batteries and a charger. The charger has a Charge Rate Selection which can be 0.5, 1, 2, 3.5 and 5A. Which is the best option for charging? Thanks! SPS
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