Bad drivers. This includes the inability to check your own brake lights, failure to indicate and those unable to grasp roundabouts. Causes me RAGE.
People that take my money then DON'T SEND ME MY GUN.
Bad tea. There should be a universal awesome teabag, so where ever you go, you get awesome tea.
On a serious note, everyone and anyone who freely works in the the illegal sex trade. Not so much "anger", but disgust and hatred - and researching it has helped my lose what little faith i had in humanity. One of my goals (in later life - when i have the training and the know how) is to bring some serious pain on those responsible for the exploitation of the weak and defenseless.
Oh and misleading co-op information on the back of xbox 360 games.
Politics. In general its interesting, throw in money? You get a bunch of fat greedy old men who are on holiday for half the year, sit around going "hear hear!" for the other half, and some how find time to spend thousands of pounds in tax payer money on duck ponds and repainting their god damn houses.
Working in retail. Nothing quite like being treated like a bit of dirt and not being able to say anything back.
Yeah im done. For now.
Edit: Religion. Silly me. How could I forget religion. Simply one of the dumbest things to exist, and responsible for more human deaths than anything, ever. Not to mention the destruction of knowledge and information because religious leaders were "scared" of what others had discovered. Grr.
To quote Rady in Flight of the Phoenix Religion divides people. Belief in something unites them.