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alxndrhll last won the day on April 6 2023

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    G17 - MCX - PTW
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  1. Found myself with a huge amount of renewed excitement to get back to some CQB once able (next year at this point), fancy picking up a smaller 'primary'. I'm currently between a TM MP7, ASG MP9 or a fancy Hicapa. The latter of which likely drawing my interest more than the others at present, largely because it'd be an entirely new thing to me as someone that historically isn't a 'pistol guy'. It's nice to have things to look forward to.

    1. Shamal


      That's what keeps us all going fella.

      Looking forward,the pull of a force towards an as yet unreached pleasure. 

      Long live looking forward 🙂👍


      Ps.. mp7 👍

    2. alxndrhll


      Yessir, it’s definitely been a bad year airsoft wise (and I’ve definitely been on the verge of ‘selling up’ and moving on a few times) but very much looking forward to getting back to it once a degree of normality returns.


      The MP7 is certainly the more ‘me’ move, but the last time I tried something new (bolt action ‘sniping’) it added a whole new lease of life to the hobby... chasing that again is what’s leading me down the fancy pistol route. But I’m finding the research element a tad difficult largely because there is an obscene amount of information out there it’s hard to discern what is useful and what is anecdotal garbage 😅.

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