I know there is a mws thread but wanted to ask all users.
It seems almost everyone recommends the TM MWS as the go to gbbr so just wanted to ask why anyone would buy another brand?
My use case- purely for collection, I probably won't ever play. I want the tactile feel of an M4, bolt lock, charging, teardown etc. Trades are a must. Rs weight/feel/finish. As close to RS as possible without spending vipertech money. I will be plinking in the garden with it so want it to work reliably. Don't really plan on tinkering with internals.
I've owned a kwa lm4 and it was pretty sweet, but practically no resources on how to adjust or do anything to it, not that anything went wrong with it. I kind of regret selling it tbh as it was cheap and fun.
Looking at the tm mws m4a1 carbine which is about £450 at the minute.
Thanks for your input!