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Everything posted by M_P

  1. the tm has a plastic slide too, tm plastic pistols tend to be more reliable
  2. Steak and kidney pukka pie's, they're just soooooo good And weetabix..... I had 10 this morning
  3. I thought that was a given anyway?
  4. Penguins. they cant even fly, what kind of a bird is that?
  5. fixed Bus lanes cycling 14 miles home and getting a puncture after 1 mile
  6. Id be happy about that lol. Cycling is good Nick clegg doesn't make me angry, makes me laugh though. Asda Sports direct Caravans. Being hungry after eating a chinese- not a person, food The amount if disabled parking spots- I'm not against the disabled but there aref way too many. Limo's People who can't control shopping trolleys. Fiat 500's
  7. my sofa wood burning stoves that f*cking go compare advert pine cones stupidly short phone battery life jeremy kyle show liverpool
  8. Donkeys harry potter Apple ps3 Playmobil- always hated that stuff as a kid, sadly the Germans didn't. turning on lamps which aren't plugged in but you thought they were
  9. People who write "Lol, jokes" "Lol, jokes"
  10. Topics asking what makes me angry Guinea pigs Football- not American football, cause that's better Frisbee's Red Fruit Both elephant can I get away with that? G&g Peugeot's Hoovers
  11. Most of population of this country Hedges Irrelevant insects Internet cutting out Shoe shopping
  12. ooh, im scared now Ill take you all on
  13. Yes, if you're an ape Point proven And marpat ftw, im gonna get some marpat trousers with the built in knee pads- TheY BeE 1773
  14. Nah, its all about coyote brown
  15. Me too.... Ricas plus 6 pouches. 4 m14 mag, 1 admin and 1 dump pouch
  16. I can't decide for the ebr-short and silver or long and black?
  17. I probably will, but I like choices @ finius, Im sure there is a bad lever for aeg's too, try firesupport
  18. I would rather holepunch my scrotum than buy the kart I refuse to buy anything from g&g or ares. I'll get tm with g&p kit or ra tech/we tech More likely the latter But I appreciate the comment- shame I'm too stubborn to listen
  19. The only thing on my list is an ebr, although I could do with 3 more mags for my night warrior
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