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  • Guns
    Systema PTW infinity gbrs inspired

    VFC G17 gen 4 sai
  • Loadouts
    GMR inspired
  • Sites
    Humber airsoft
    The GAOL
    HQ airsoft
    the stan
    Camp sparta (lol rip)
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    All things airsoft, tech with 10 years experience.

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    Scunthorpe - GB

  2. I hope they do tbh If you're ever at a game which you happen to see me you are more than welcome to try mine out. To be honest I have built about 6 legacy system ptws this year, there seems to have been some kind of resurgence of interest in the ptw platform recently, and the new Kumi 490 motors are absolutely spot on and nobody has reported any issues yet so they are appearing to be reliable, and they are still very responsive, not infinity level but still very very good! I think the motor plug is a necessary evil as the grips from the older system obviously can't mount any other way, I do wish they included a real grip adapter, as it would be very nice to be able to just have the receiver milled to spec so I can drop on a real grip rather than having to have a whole part made.
  3. So as the title says I have decided to finally put out a review on the relatively new infinity system for PTW and will detail my experience from fitting to using it, this will be a long read so please grab your preferred beverage. My aim is to educate anyone thinking of buying one of my experience with the infinity and the niggles i encountered while fitting it and during its use. To begin I bought the unit through my local retailer High pressure airsoft to the tune of £1250 and they ordered it from RWA group for me when the units first came in stock, it arrived around 2 weeks later. Upon receipt I attempted to see if my unit was an updated one with the self learning feature properly installed but I couldn't get my hands on a t3 torx driver so i made the decision to wing it and see if it had it when I built it (fortunately it did have self learning installed so it didn't have to go back to the land of the rising sun). Dropping the infinity into my max2 donor ptw was a pretty simple task and i encountered no problems putting the gearbox into the lower. I elected to change the cylinder head from the infinity one with my original cylinder head so i could continue to use my wonderful hop setup consisting of a systema chamber, orga flat hop roller and a pdi 6.04 264mm barrel. Upon sliding in my cylinder and pulling the trigger i was met with a faint click though, so i opened the upper and found that the significantly larger sun gear on the infinity was interfering with a small portion of material on the inside of the upper, so a quick grinding sesh with the dremmel and we were in business. With the supplied m130 cylinder the gun was punching 0.28g bbs out at a tasty 310 fps 😅 A little too tasty, so i opened the cylinder set up and took a coil or two off the spring until the gun was achieving a consistent 280 fps on a 0.28g bb. This allows me plenty of room to account for any chrono inaccuracies and to generally not have to ever worry about chrono. I smashed 8 mags through it at hpas range and every shot was an absolute dream to fire, exceptionally fast response, comparable only to a hpa gun, surprisingly quiet, the gun hardly makes any noise minus the piston hitting the piston head. Full auto is a steady 800 rpm, same as a real m4a1, so not too speedy, just right. My first game with the infinity was at Humber airsoft club and it did not disappoint, range was unchanged from the full stroke legacy system, the improved trigger response and speed of follow up shots was definitely a game changer when it came to closer engagements where being the first to fire wins the engagement. over the course of the day i encountered only one feed jam due to a chopped bb inserting itself in a strange manner in the hop unit and the rest of the day was niggle free....right until i dumped all my remaining mags at the end of the day, when the infinity began failing to feed and then ground to a halt with its faint clicking again and the upper receiver was slightly pushed up, making it a proper c*nt to push the rear pin. Upon returning to my workshop i found that the piston was very very slightly warped at the back which was resulting in an odd pickup angle and the dsg wasn't having any of it and was failing to pick the piston up. To remedy this issue I installed a new Systema piston with the infinity rack with was in good serviceable condition and that fixed it completely. After fixing the piston i can gladly report I am now about 8 skirmish days and 1 milsim in and i have not had a single failure bar my magazines which I have sadly neglected on occasion 😅 The gun continues to impress me every time i pick it up and it's very rare I put it down. The technology inside the infinity to me represents a great leap into simplifying the gear train

    • For sale
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    Safariland ALS 6354 DO Fits G17 with x300 Including qls fork, reciever plate, mid ride and t rex arms thigh strap. Price includes dpd shipping within the UK


    Scunthorpe - GB

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