Yeah catch isn't the issue, it seems like the magwell gets a little more narrow towards the top and non G&G mags are a struggle to get in/out.
I've tried Nurprol, Krytac and some other brands. My Krytac mags fit nicely and 3 of the Nurprol ones I have fit, but the other three won't go in even though they are exactly the same mag.
Of my Lonex mags 2 will go in with some perswading, but pulling them out is a harder than getting them in. Then the other 6 get about half way and it feels too tight, so begins the fight to get them back out again. Not as bad as the ones I can get in, but it's still not an easy task and not something you could do mid game 🤣
As a rule I prefer using my Lonex mags and I'm feed up taking so many mags on game day, so thought I wonder if anyone else has had this issue and what they did to fix it.
I've got my G&G rails from Fire support, which fit over the stock dovetail rail and they are held in with a screw. I've got one on my ICS L86 and ther other of my G&G L85