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Everything posted by Willyg1981

  1. Hello everyone , 

         I’m working on my stoner mk63 after initially getting it running very well 380fps ( french field limits) ....


    it’s now developed a problem ,..huge loss of FPS ,..I discovered the new double o ring piston head had somehow tipped and caused it to scratch unported brass cylinder ,... 


    fast forward to now ,.. new stainless unported cylinder , new double o ring piston head , new double o ring Air nozzle and new spring m135 , 

    it’s still no better 🤦‍♂️

    I must of taken it apart 10-15 times now , it’s becoming a real pain in the ass.


    I’m using guarder teflon grease on piston head and abbey silicon oil on o rings 

    abbey black grease on grease ( using a small painting brush to apply the grease) to these parts so not overkill at all ) 

    Any ideas ????? 

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      is the nozzle the right length? done anything with the hop?

    2. Willyg1981


      The stock version is 19.40 and the new one is 19.50 , Surely that is close enough and the fact it’s a tiny bit longer would give a better air seal into the bucking 🤔


      the hop is the same as it’s always been,.. the only thing Iv done around that area is change the bucking and r hop the barrel ,


      I had it at 400 FPS the very first shot And then levelled off around 370-380 and it worked amazingly well for around a day lol 


      then I noticed the change in range and this is when I discovered the damaged cylinder

    3. Willyg1981


      I’m going to strip it down again clean , re shim and see what it says I think , the air seal in the piston is near perfect , it’s almost as if there’s a huge whole in the hop unit or cylinder lol 🤷‍♂️

  2. I too discovered a second hand Tm mp7 gbb and followed both of his vids religiously and I think I watched the longer one around 30 times lol , I filed and polished the sears and got it working like a brand new gun again , spent quite a few hours/ days upgrading and tuning and ended up with a seriously awesome little rif kicking out 375fps (Playing in France ) 😁
  3. Evening everyone,

       Ok so what with this lockdown Iv been doing a fair bit of work on my g28 , it’s not stock 

    list of upgrades so far ,

    retro arms box 
    m140 spring

    highly polished unported brass CYMA cylinder 

    aluminium double o ring nozzle

    Prometheus night torque gears 18:1

    infinty cnc 18000 high torque motor

    full metal rack pistol (AOE’d) 
    sorbo pad 

    hollow Piston o ring  


    Heavy duty bushes 

    Orga wide bore barrel 
    r hopped 

    promy purple flat hopped 

    and a tru hop concave hard plastic nub that has been filled with sugru and the shaved to create and nice flat nub with a tiny bit of give 

    using 11.1 v it Gives a good 75-80m straight shot 

    but since Iv fitted the flat hop im

    getting 1 full distance shot and then 1 short and then 1 full and so on and so on ,

    it’s bizarre , I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what was the cause ? 
    thank you 😊 





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