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Everything posted by skintrade

  1. Is the increased pricing to cover the shipping?
  2. Anyone else getting odd pop ups / redirects when hitting the unread threads link on mobile?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skintrade


      No worries, I get the fiddling with... Once broke Tesco Online tweaking a single line of code that shouldn't have been active... Did manage to highlight some shonky code in the backend tho, so 6 of one...

    3. proffrink


      When're you going to fix it?

    4. skintrade


      LOL, not my job, haven't done anything for them in a long time. It did get fixed tho.

  3. Any chance of a picture that actually shows the items?
  4. Love when a parcel arrives, you open it, and find something you didn't order, have no packing note or other info, but it's something you can use! 

  5. No idea why, but some days I miss Moscow... Indoor firing ranges slap bang in the middle of the city, talking guns with gangsters over vodka in nightclubs...

  6. Surprised it didn't come with a screw, never had a sight come without all required components... Maybe contact where you purchased from?
  7. Couldn't sleep, got round to organising my action cam shit. Didn't realize how much stuff I've built up... with more to come... 

  8. This isn't a 1911... It's the hi capa allosaurus, and yes it's missing the mag well trim. Mag release looks shonky too...
  9. Never seen a milsim have a requirement other than era/faction appropriate.
  10. My bad, I answered without hunting a manual down, it should just push in if no screw, it should be firm and will need a little force, it shouldn't come out without force either. You can add a dab of a good adhesive to help it stay, but shouldn't be needed.
  11. Did the sight come with a screw? You said before there was a hole in the slot on the slide, does the sight have a matching hole? If there are matching holes, and you have a screw, the screw in from inside the slide. If holes and no screw, then contact supplier of sight as should have been supplied.
  12. IRL yep, I just find the placement of pouches I often use is better on a PC, and it also allows me to strap on a water carrier on the rear for hot long days. It's horses for courses a lot of the time, if I need light and mobile I'll just use a belt setup, but if I'm carrying half a dozen mid caps, some pistol mags, loader, BBs, gas etc. then the PC offers me more options. Take any padding out it's just a vest really.
  13. For some people yes, for others it's being tacticool, others (like myself) its for the flexibility of loadout just by modifying the pouches etc.
  14. There were a lot of things my parents were anti, shooting being one of them (lost family members to the ra in NI), but they were happy with archery and laser tag, maybe that's a gateway for the ex and your wee one?
  15. Tell me about it, I keep ordering odds n sods for when I can get to an arena or field (my kit and spares boxes are overflowing) and I'm still hobbling about on sticks plinking from one end of the flat to the other!
  16. You a lefty? If so I have a universal left handed draw drop leg unused just sat in one of my kit boxes...
  17. Just arrived, cheap and simple way to uprate Airsoft suppressor/silencer. Slightly denser foam than stock, goes in fairly easily, have to see what difference if any it makes.
  18. Bloody leg is really pissing me off right now, can't jump on the bike, can't get to pew pew. Keep seeing all my kit and hating the fact limited movement is killing all my fun stuff.

    1. AshOnSnow


      I know how you feel bud. Saturday before last the dog pulled me over and I tore a ligament in my ankle. Been crippled and hopped up on every painkiller under the sun, hobbling around like a 90 year old.

    2. skintrade


      For me it's just under 5 months since the tibia was plated and screwed together, ankle is slightly siezed and knee tight as hell. But I wanna shoot people! 😡

  19. Chinese Nerf /BB flinger 'nade. How well it functions, and how long it holds up... only time will tell.
  20. Amazon @Supermoose, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07H7GGPK7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_J3KUBbV6G674Q
  21. A little something to aid the Old Snake impression in the field. Pocket ashtray for the smoker that I am.
  22. Just ordered some, gotta support the good guys in communities, and AFUK is one of them
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