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Status Updates posted by flatrajectory

  1. Hi folks,

    I have not skirmished for several years now ,due to arthritis and now having to care for my wife. I am 73 ...but still have an interest in collecting rather than skirmishing.

    Main interests are WW2 and Vietnam era weapons.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flatrajectory


      Thank you Shamal, and yes you are correct. Most of my time is spent looking after my good lady, but an hour in the `shed` fondling ,and shooting a replica is therapy for me.


    3. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      My arthritis plays me up something awful sometimes.  I still play though.  I just moved a lot more slower and sneak about even more than usual.  My favourite is getting well forward and then shooting the other team in the back as they advance.  


      Thoroughly agree that an hour in the man shed works.  It's all therapy mate.  

    4. flatrajectory


      Thank you tph... I love a hat too...I have many.


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