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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TSD G36K~22rps
    G&P Defender~38rps
  • Loadouts
    Standard Vietnam style US Woodland, OD green, Black, A-TACS.

    T.A.G. gear all the way!
  • Gender
  • Location
    Texas, USA
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Nuclear physics, dcent sci-fi shows like stargate sg-1 and farscape, and martial arts.

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  1. Here is a pic of a loadout I wore for an op in October. I had to wear the beret for the game. Here is a pic of a loadout I wore last Saturday for a game.
  2. 1. My phone (is literally going to cause me an aneurysm) 2. News 3. Modern Culture 4. Politicians 5. People who think they know a topic and then don't 6. People who slurp their food, especially when said food is not a food that is supposed to be slurped (chicken) 7. People who don't use their turn signals 8. People who talk about others behind their backs 9. Pop music 10. The ungodly amount of money professional sports associations receive 11. Pork Barrels 12. Facebook (hate it) 13. Religion 14. The admins of Airsoftretreat 15. Tomatoes 16. Illogical decisions (more of when somebody continues to do something after realizing that there is a better or more logical way to do something). 17. Cyclists 18. Overly pretentious people 19. Downright stupidity 20. Having to explain what airsoft is to people who don't know 21. All current television shows 22. All current local radio stations 23. Any fad celebrity 24. Fads 25. Apple 26. Hipsters 27. My dogs 28. Laggy software 29. A lack of good television programs 30. A lack of money 31. The pop a pill make everything better society 32. The lawsuit happy society that we live in 33. Any frivolous lawsuit 34. The fact there are too many lawyers 35. The economy 36. The fact that America is filling up with idiots, lawyers, and service venues 37. The lack of engineers and production and research facilities in America 38. The fact that everybody thinks the world is going to end practically every day 39. The fact that people think the bible or Nostradamus predicted the future by saying there will be a way in the middle east (when has there not been a war in the middle east?) 40. The History Channel 41. The fact that the history channel plays 3 things (alien conspiracy shows, religious predicting the future shows, and pawn stars) More to come....
  3. Yeah its the brand new A-TACS. I had the ACU on pre-order. It did not come out until March 15th.
  4. I just put together my summer loadout for here in Texas. I am missing a couple things in the photo so its not complete but here is the base.
  5. My KM4 I don't have any pics of my 36 right now but I will upload them later.
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