I'm a relatively new airsoft player in London, i've been playing for around 6 months so I still consider myself a beginner. There are 2 reasons for my post;
1. To warn others NOT TO BUY FROM justbbguns
2. To find out who else in this forum has experienced similar issues with them.
For context, i have prepared a summary of my customer experience with justbbguns, see it below:
I purchased 2 Airsoft rifles costing around £500 plus a load of accessories from this store a week ago. I went to an Airsoft game over the weekend and upon trying to use the rifles for the first time, they they both broke down within minutes. Both rifles had major faults, I had an on-site rifle specialist take a look at them and he informed me that they had already been opened and the Internals were tampered with, he said that they certainly weren’t new and are likely to be refurbished or returned faulty goods. I immediately tried to contact the store and have tried contacting them for 2 days, they don’t answer their phone, their online ticket system is a black hole which isn’t attended and after reading reviews I’ve seen how many others have experienced this very issue. They will sell you faulty equipment then avoid you and provide no means of getting a refund. Absolutely terrible business, this company are untrustworthy crooks, DO NOT BUY FROM Justbbguns....
Has anyone else experienced similar issues with this company ? Whilst looking at google reviews i found hundreds of negative reviews all complaining about the same thing, they sell you faulty products, then avoid you and refuse to give refunds and replacements can take up to a year, which is ridiculous. Please share you experiences here, also if you would like to share your details with me privately please dp as I am opening cases with trading standards UK & CrimeStoppers. Your help here to shut these crooks down and prevent them from ruining Airsoft for anyone else is much appreciated.