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Everything posted by Codenamebald

  1. Hi all Does anyone have an Urban Sniper or Well MB06 and still have the left hand bolt handle that they would be happy to sell? I have bought a second hand Urban but it did not come with the conversion kit. Think all I need is the handle. Thanks Ken
  2. Evening gents Hope everyone is well. Having played with my Krytac for a number of times now at a few outdoor airsoft events including cqb, I have to say that I frickin love it. So much so that I have just added a battery drum mag to help me continuously waste the opposition without pausing for breath. Next I want to look at improving the range and accuracy but not sure of how best to achieve this - tinker with the stock items and or upgrade innards. to help me avoid wasting money and time getting this right, can I ask you reliable lot for some input when you have a mo. Thanks Ken
  3. Thanks RDB. I see. So it is a complete unit but that has variants as per mag spec. Might be my next purchase then before the sniper.
  4. ok - so do you know if that is that the mag and drum as one or still have to build? Didn't think it was clear when I last looked. Ken
  5. lovely looking piece of kit that, looks very familiar. Do like that drum mag you built - are those available from Evike now as a finished item or is it still self-build?
  6. Will most likely flip the 3x to the side for cqb and outdoor close quarters but I am toying with the idea of getting a sniper so will still come in handy. I'll be honest, the mild satisfaction I got from lining up the Eotech red dot so that I can quite literally ping a bb into a 2cm wide hole on the side of my incinerator from 10m ish was worth while. Perhaps I need to take up target work too!!!! either that or I need to get out more.
  7. Got my new sight through which was needed to match the height of the flip to side 3x mag and I am much happier with the setup - thanks RocketDogBert for your original guidance way back when. Will be using this at Urban Assault this weekend so will see if it plays as well as it looks. Used it without sights last time around (literally picked it up at the last game) and still managed to get some good hits and a few howls of pain. Have lined up the red dot which had me shooting through the holes in the side of an incinerator garden bin from around 10 metres very accurately indeed. Happy days. Not sure if these stay lined up between uses and or over time - anyone got any views? A friend brought his son round who is interested in getting into Airsoft. 15 minutes of play on the Vector more than sold him. He's now gone out and kitted himself up with some starter gear and has already played a couple of games with Red 1 Airsoft (just doing my bit for the Airsoft economy). I will be playing with them myself in the next month or so as they are my local setup. Will let you know what they are like. Til then have fun. Ken Right then gents. Considering improving range and accuracy over range for my Krytac. Can I ask what upgrades have proved successful in terms of barrels and or hops, etc, for anyone that has gone this path already. Thanks ken Setup looks great bud. Lot of trial and error in the end?
  8. Building your own? From a kit? Look forward to seeing it complete.
  9. New spring foc from the shop got it down to bang on 330. When they took a coil off the stock spring it was still too hot.
  10. New toy. First play this weekend Weather permitting
  11. I have been looking at extended pistol mag pouches such as
  12. Hi John. What power rating are yours please? 25c and or 1300mah?
  13. got my lanyard hook from Impulse101 in Japan so now have my PX4 hooked up
  14. Evening one and all. Can I ask what recommendations you have for batteries for the Krytac vector. I've gone with stock 7.2 1300 25c. Is there something better - lasts longer, etc, without damaging the gun? Thanks gents Ken
  15. No. Condor fabric horizontal. Needed cause I'm a lefty.
  16. I have a molle vest setup but this is based around M4 and pistol. Have found some good msg mag pouches which come as singles or doubles which I think I wil go with. Only problem I have is that I have a pistol holster top of chest so this clashes with the tall vector mags. Will need to think carefully to avoid wasting money on bits I'll end up not using lol
  17. I will have 6 mag on the go. Just need to find enough pouches to store them
  18. Thanks for the vid. Will look at those M4 style plunger loaders. Gives a good capacity compared to my pistol plunger. Be there all bloody day with that.
  19. Plunger plus cold day equals numb thumbs that's for sure
  20. I thought it was just the KWA GBB that had the differing mags but not 100% sure. Plungers are a crap method if this is the only method currently. Further investigation needed I think.
  21. Yeah they do seem to be slightly above UK spec ootbox which is odd but easily dealt with. Shop doing it for me so happy days.
  22. Quick question. Is there such a thing as a speed loader for the Kryrac vector mags? I assume a normal plunger loader works? But is there a faster auto loader or a wind loader? Thanks Ken
  23. Evening one amd all. So my Krytac has arrived at the shop and the stock spring is firing at 355. So have agreed to have a coil removed to bring it down by 15 to 20 fps as changing the spring will reduce it further. Good shout DaveGolf.
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