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Everything posted by Hunka1988

  1. Hiya, I'm always after the best value ammo. I've seen that Specna have teamed up with BLS, I highly rate BLS. Anyone had any experience with the Specna branded BLS ammo? Ash
  2. How did you get on? I had issues with ML Super when using light weight ammo (.25) for cqb. I've just swapped out to a g&g green with an omega nub (suggested on the mtw owner club) as unconventional as it is it works incredibly well.
  3. It sound like you haven't lined up the barrel and bucking correctly. The window needs centering, the hook to the right you are seeing is from the bucking applying hop off centre. If it helps the guide line on the barrel usually needs to be lined up with the faint seam on the hop unit itself.
  4. I've got a lambda 6.05 and faceless r hop and rubber combo going in. Hoping for decent results. You set on PDI?
  5. You seen much change in performance shrinking down to the g spec? Just got all the parts to do it myself, thinking of using it with back pack sling as a secondary with an aeg.
  6. Well... I was using a stalker nub when it ripped. Definitely added to much pressure on the patch. So the nub may be common problem we had. I then bought a fow nub and new patch. Fow fits perfectly.
  7. I had the same, mine had a chunk missing after a couple of shots. Out of interest what hardness patch did you get? It was a 60 that tore, the 85 I replaced it with is holding up much better.
  8. I have the attached on my covert. It's lovely. Glass is incredibly clear and the turrets make it very easy to adjust on the fly.
  9. If you can wait MAXX are releasing a unit so is stalker. Maple leaf have also released their revised one. Spoilt for choice really.
  10. Getting 100% seal on the fast hop is a nightmare. Have a look on https://sniperupgrades.com/ The fow nub, 100% seal bucking and rhop patch for the standard barrel make it a beast. I had trouble with prowler causing jams. Good luck
  11. Redwolf.com have an extended labour day sale on with 15% off. This includes the SRS A1 which they have just got back in stock. Paid about £400 with postage and taxes included for 16" covert.
  12. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but most clone D3 flatpacks are going for £45-50 so getting one for £25 qualifies a bargain to me. Bought it to pair with a modular chest rig. Quality seems good. Has molle on the inside to run with a plate carrier. Available in a few colours. Delivery was just over a week. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123666709015
  13. Noticed this a lot. People selling stock parts either in or near packaging for an upgraded parts. Preying on a lack of knowledge. To@*ers
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