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Everything posted by Nasro

  1. What you guys think of my new purchased beautities I'd be doing some customs in the next month or so...
  2. Just recently bought these 2 beauties... or should I say beasts! KWA Kriss Vector Hpa (drum mag) Tippmann M4 Hpa I might just purchase another Kwa Kriss vector LMAO
  3. I tried messaging the ebay.com sellers but, they are refusing to send them to the UK! WHY??? Your vector looks shexyy AF! and I would had definitely bought it if it was a gbb :((( I'm not destined to have one yet LOL
  4. I really want one a gbb vector to convert to HPA. If you hear anything or come across one...I'd be happy to purchase! obviously, if you're not gonna buy it yourself LOL
  5. is your vector for sale by any chance?
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