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  • Guns
    TM M93R AEP, Ares Striker AS01, ASG/Hera Arms CQR, G+G GR25 SPR, ASG Scorpion EVO 3, ASG MK23.
  • Loadouts
    Flecktarn, revision sawfly eye pro, sarcastic expression.
  • Sites
    NSC Airsoft
  • Gender
  • Location
    NE England

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  1. Yeah I'm pretty capable. I'm not 20 anymore, but I can move around the field and get the job done without running around like a complete boob end. Thanks I'll be careful what I "blow my wad on" for sure 😆😆
  2. Hi all, thanks for the replies. I think you're probably right when you say that the SRU stuff is probably on the small side for my frame. Even if I was skinny I'm rather on the broad side, and £200 is rather a lot for armour that will look like a kids size on me 😆😆 Maybe using a tactical vest as a base then making my own to fit on top is the way to go. Thanks again, you given me some ideas to think about
  3. Hi, I'm looking for some advice from other chunky bois out there (I know you're out there I've seen ya 😉) I'm looking to buy a Jump plate carrier that will fit a 52-54+ inch chest with a little room to be worn over my combat jacket. Specifically a JPC with a view to adding a SRU armour kit onto it https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/sru-sr-tactical-armour-for-jpc-vest Ideally something I can add to with maybe a battle belt or similar. All the sites I've been to list size M to 2xl but nothing reall specific when it comes to sizing. Would appreciate some guidance in helping me make my dream of becoming a fat futuristic commando come true. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi Buddy, Are these still for sale? Ta
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