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Status Updates posted by BALDYMONSTER

  1. I’ve accepted your offer buddy.


    can you get back to me please?

  2. Do you have a valid UKARA defense?

    1. proffrink


      Fyi, this is the 'status' system. If you hit 'message' next to a user (when on their profile) you will send them a private message. These are public :)

    2. L3wisD


      Yeah @stottyboy, please don't publish your UKARA number here, private messages are fine however.


      We don't want unscrupulous types trying to get their hands on your UKARA

  3. Hi buddy I am presuming you’re a mod on here yes?


    i have three adverts for my gas hk416 M27 which is now sold but for some reason I cannot delete these or show them as sold?


    i think it might be because I’m using my smart phone.


    can you help?

    1. L3wisD


      Hi Baldy,


      From what I can see, one adverted is marked "Completed - Reason: Sold" and the other was uncompleted, presumably as it didn't sell before the listing expired.


      I can't see any active listings for your M27. So people should realise it's sold.

      If you've sold it on here, please don't forget to leave feedback for the buyer (and vice versa whomever bought it from Baldy)

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