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  1. FireHawk worth it? :/

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    2. BloomBoy


      Sounds like i should buy it :) ......... Do you know if im able to get an electric trigger system and MOSFET installed if so what one shall i get????

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      TBH you "can" do whatever you like

      you could go nutz and put a Titan in there

      or something like that - a fully internal setup

      (as the buffer tube battery will limit space for an external mosfet)


      But you don't need this stuff straight away - gun is important thing


      What I have done is removed the fancy stock & buffer tube

      Then fitted a stubby fixed M4 stock - hard to source locally

      (may have to buy from Hong Kong China etc for about £20)


      It is a tiny bit short the stubby fixed M4

      (Full fixed M4 is a tad too long - need to make a medium fixed)

      But on the FH it works well as it is tucked in tight for CQB

      Then you can use almost any battery like cheap block lipo's

      Than mess about with thin bespoke buffer tube batteries


      Try not to buy the HC05 version - a slow DSG version

      There is NO SEMI and this gun is a nice CQB gun

      But with no semi a lot of sites in CQB it is semi only

      (you haven't got semi so you are f**ked)


      Failing all that the new G&G Raider 2.0 is a nice looking gun

      2 options are avaliable

      regular (no ETU version)

      or ETU version for about £15 more


      The G&G ETU setup can be picky though

      So me personally I'd go for non ETU version


      There is the CM18 G&G but comes with a mid-cap mag

      so need a speed loader to fill 120 rnd mag


      There are some nice G&G's out there for about £150-£160

      FireHawk and/or CM18 are two of my favourites

      (mainly coz they are reg old school non ETU stuff that works)


      FireHawk is nice - bit loud, get a stubby M4 stock if you can

      (saves battery agro)

      But that is just my take on it all - no fancy must have stuff needed

      Just a gun, eyepro, bb's and a chilled common sense no ego attitude 

    4. Robert James

      Robert James

      I think its a great gun, my friend put his tracer on it, and it really makes it a lot quieter but still has a nice enough sound, should you wish to be slightly quieter. I remember people around me saying "if you hear a firehawk its our team" :)

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