Some background - I'm 70+ and have been shooting airpistols/rifles since I was 10 - yes, they did make them back then. I have a large (1.5 acre) rear garden where I enjoy target shooting and plinking at cans etc. Lately however, due to mobility issues (not to mention the British weather) I have been unable to get outside as much as I would like so want to bring my hobby indoors.
Now I'm not too happy (and the wife is dead against) having high speed metal projectiles flying across the living room, possibly rebounding and killing the cat so I have decided to go down the airsoft route (might blind the cat but probably won't kill it).
Now I can legally pop into any firearms dealer and buy a high powered automatic airpistol which is almost indistinguishable in look to the real thing. However, for me to buy a less dangerous airsoft version of the same pistol I either must have a UKARA # or buy a two-tone version. I'm not going to be getting a UKARA # any day soon - I really can't see myself running around muddy fields shooting at people and getting shot at (!!) so my only option is to buy a two-tone.
There seems to be much less choice of two-tone GBB pistols available compared to black versions, two-tones also appear to be more expensive. There is also a plethora of internet retailers none of which I know anything about. I could spend time researching and google the information I need but at 70+ my time is limited so I'm hoping one or two of you experienced airsofters can help me out a bit and give me advice on:
Retailers to use/avoid?
Best (cheapish) GBB pistol to get?
CO2 or Green gas?
To help you help me - one pistol that ticks all the boxes [or appears to] for me is the WE M84FS Cheetah (I have the Umarex steel BB version) but can't seem to find it in two-tone or at a decent price - Let me know if you know where I could get one or if a different gun would be better value.
If you've taken the time to read all of this you have the patience of a saint - thankyou.