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  1. Hello guys I have been looking through the pages on net to find various sites in kent and cant seem to find many. Do any of you know where i could find a decent list of all sites in kent.
  2. Thank you GeneralKimbo that has been helpful, what is like in a game enviroment ie distance, FPS. Deos it feel robust enough to last a long time as want to use it for years to come, have you upgraded it and are you still using it as stock or have you added optics etc, what battery are you running with it?
  3. we have booked for apocalyse airsoft in sittingbourne, have already been up there and had a chat with few of the blokes up there and it the closest to me
  4. thank you so much, i have been looking closely at the cm16 Mod 0 and the GR4 G26 but not sure on the blow back tho. Any opions on the blow back,
  5. hello there Havent played a game as of yet but it all booked up and cant wait But i have been looking at guns and batteries. It just looks like a mine field out there to me. Just wandering what gun people started off with, and there set ie scope, grip, laser, red dot? I have been browsing through reveiw after reveiw on different makes and models. G and G armament seems to have the best reveiws, I have therefore been looking at the G and G CM16 MOD 0, has anyone got one and if so are as good as reveiws make out, thank for reading
  6. Hi guys, Just wanted to introduce myself as i have taken the plunge and trying my hand at airsoft. Me and my step dad have booked a day airsofting and have gone out and brought the clothing for this. As new to this hobby just wanted to know anything to look out for and stay away from!!!!!! Cheers guys Sam
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