Hey guys, new to this forum and airsofting in general.
I recently bought a Blackviper G36 (Yes I know, not the best) -- But it's my first airsoft gun (If you could even call it that) and I plan on going to my first airsoft game in about a week, my goal is to use this first time and to use it to get a basic feel of the game, I really like the G36 look, so I'm probably gonna go for a JG G36C (http://www.airsoftworld.net/jg-g36c-assault-rifle-g608.html) when I have the money for it. I don't have a UKARA membership/number so that's my problem when buying a gun, it's not easy to find a decent gun that I can get cheaply 'two-toned'. Plus I don't really fancy spending a lot of money on a gun straight away without even having played a few games. On that fact, I don't see a point in buying a two-toned version of a decent gun, when I can get a UKARA membership relatively soon, I'd then be stuck with a bright gun when it's not necessary. My last question is, with the JG G36C, it's listed at 350FPS and my site's maximum is listed at 350FPS, is there a way of lowering the FPS by about 10 maybe for it to be in the safezone? Still new to the world of airsoft, so bear with me Thanks!