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  • Guns
    G&G gr25
    Cm16 sr-xl
  • Sites
    Billericay skirmish

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  1. Has anybody used this site? Any issues or comments?
  2. Nice. The reason I ask, when I was target shooting with a .177 air rifle different pellets of the same weight acted different it was a case of finding the right pellet for the gun me and my mate had the same gun but got different results from the same pellet is this the same for airsoft?
  3. With 100's of manufactures what ones do you use? Not really interested in weight. Iv been using nupro but thought I'd give fireball ago
  4. Connected in side the hop up unit when I rotate the "cog" the arm drops there is a small black thing that's lowers is the the bit you say I'm missing?
  5. Thanks dude. What is mofo? Right I will check the hop up first. I brought the gun second hand, told it was about a year old only used a few times (or so I was told) I'll post pictures as I don't think I'll be able to tell the difference between any broken part worn so will have to rely on you guys for your opinion. I want to do it my self for 2 reasons 1 cost and 2nd to learn.
  6. OK looking at the barrel and the hop up how does it go together as I have a rubber washer that seems to do nothing in its current location
  7. Thanks dude. What is mofo? Right I will check the hop up first. I brought the gun second hand, told it was about a year old only used a few times (or so I was told) I'll post pictures as I don't think I'll be able to tell the difference between any broken part worn so will have to rely on you guys for your opinion. I want to do it my self for 2 reasons 1 cost and 2nd to learn.
  8. Thanks that is a whole lot more info than I expected. I don't wand to build a dmr just want to increase the fps as it's currently around the 230 fps, But and this was my initial thinking "change out the stock piston/head, oh will iv got the gearbox apart I'll install a bigger spring not too much bigger than stock, umm will the gears cope I'll change them just in case. No idea what I need I'll ask the guys on the website" I did just that and your advice has set me stright change one thing at a time.
  9. On the same topic of gears what's the difference in speed gears against torque gears and what brands are good and what are crap? Reason for question I have a G&G gr25 and want to increase the fps. Looking at upgrading the piston, piston head and the spring any suggestions? Been looking on amazon but being new to airsoft I don't know what brands to look out for and ones to avoid
  10. That video was a great help. And thank you guys for the help I'll strip down the gearbox again and test all the things you have suggested. Results will follow. Thanks again for helping a noob
  11. Thank you for your reply. I have now stripped the gearbox down and can see no damage to any of the seals but the one on the piston seems loose around the head of the piston is this normal?
  12. Good morning all. I'm now to airsoft and have just got a G&G gr25 sniper, (used.)l I have tested the FPS and it's achieving a constant 230. Would a more powerful battery increase the fps? If not could anyone instruct me on where to start looking as to what could be a effecting the FPS. The gun is stock Thank you for taking the time to read Ross
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