Hello there,
I have been reading a few posts and I have learned few things.
I have been paintballing for the past 20 years now, at most levels ranging from tournament player back when pumps were used to a walk on's more recently.
I have looked at a few online videos and this has brought up even more questions
first off the gun,
I understand the UKARA license that is needed, so that bit is a given.
I have been looking at a sniper rifle as a first gun, something like the dragnov or bolt action rifle, I have seen a nice relatively cheap one online ( I am not after a dear one as my first one). any hints one this front would be grateful. only thing is the gun I was looking at is rated 450 fps, I am assuming there are springs that can be bought to bring that down, also what are the limits for sites, doesn't it vary from site to site or is there a blanket limit that is imposed at every site.
I get the gist of the hop up that give the ball spin to add accuracy and distance to the shot, just not sure about he ease of use as I have read about some not being easy t get to during the game. I know I is in the barrel of the gun somewhere, so not a total newbie as such.
After watching some videos I was a bit concerned at the minimum range some guys are shooting people at, is there limit to how clos you can shoot someone with a given weapon. such as 10 foot for a sniper rifle, 2 foot for a pistol.
what is the best eye protection as I prefer goggles due to having issues with my eyes, seen a few videos of people wearing Oakley sunglasses.
thanks for your help