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  • Guns
    VFC M27 IAR, custom G&G GC16, custom TM Sig P226E2.
  • Loadouts
    Crye AC combat set in MultiCam, Ferro Concepts FCPC plate carrier setup, WAS leg rig.
  • Sites
    The Fort, Fife; The Fortress, Fife; The Depot, Castlemilk.
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  1. Cheers for the help so far guys. I've considered loft space, however I'm not sure it would be entirely practical given the design of my house, I would also be anxious of the temperature variance in there and the storage space is really needed for family things. Also given the age of the access ladder (83 years old, original to the house) I wouldn't feel very comfortable having to use it every day to take up and down heavy bags of kit- however these are probably problems I could overcome if I was allowed to use the space.
  2. Currently, I store my kit in an old wardrobe which I've (loosely, in the form of a few nails and hooks) converted into Airsoft storage to hold all my guns, kit and consumables/ spares. The problem is that it doesn't give me enough storage- especially in the form of hanging space. It's currently needing to hold 3 RIFs (2 rifles and a pistol, one rifle lives in a hard case), gear case, plate carrier, leg rig, holster, 2 sets of eye pro, Crye combat set, Sordins, 3 sets of Mechanix, 13 Midcaps, 5 pistol mags, 5 smoke grenades, ThunderB core and shells (when I get more), green gas, BBs, CO2 (when I get some more), box of spare parts, helmet, paint, and loads more besides. I'm also likely to be getting a new (and larger) plate carrier at Christmas so I'm going to be up a certain creak without a paddle in terms of storage space, considering my holster, pistol, helmet, Crye combats, and a few other smaller bits cannot fit in at all; leg rig and other bits of kit can't all be hung or stored as I'd like. My storage also has to be 'covert' in that it can't look militarised, Airsoft-y or generally too quiestionable to the naked eye. So... Long and short of it is could you please show me some of your storage solutions? I could do with some inspiration to see how I'm going to fix the situation I have right now! Thanks!!
  3. I've found FogTech ant-fog liquid to be the best available. I've tried ESS' no-fog cloth, revision wipes, FogTech wipes but found their liquid to be unbeatable. I drizzle it onto the inside lenses and shake them about to make sure all areas are covered. Don't wipe, leave for a couple of minutes and it'll have dried up- you'll be able to play for at least half a day if not slightly longer without them fogging if you keep your eye pro in the whole time (I find that taking them off and putting them back on means they fog but if they stay on they don't fog at all- not got a clue why).
  4. @jcheeseright yeah I'll probably go BFG for the pistol pouches. I don't know if they're necessarily issued but in terms of private purchase I've seen lots more Tier1 use them in general than the ESSTAC stuff. Yeah I agree on the C8. I've got a G&G rifle that I'll convert over time I think, I need to do the research for a parts list first though and get an idea of the money involved in a conversion. I'll sort the kit out first, and then get the rifle done- that'll take the loadout from 'inspired' to 'impression' I think.
  5. Looking for a hand here, I'm wanting to do a Canadian JTF2 inspired loadout. I've done some googling but I've only found one or two decent reference pics I could definitely ID as JTF2. I've also spoken to Dave @ Maple Leaf Tac who's been dead helpful. I'll be doing this after Christmas when I have some money but researching now so I know where I stand. I'll be doing a MultiCam JTF2 kit, and so far the list is: Crye AC Combat set LBT 6094B Sig P226 in a 6004 style holster Tan Ops-core setup MSA Sordins (I've checked out and they're legit, just not as common as PELTORS) I'll loosely convert my rifle to a C8 CQB too. Pouch wise on the 6094 I'll be running a triple M4 insert to the kangaroo, a Blue Force Gear 10speed triple on top of that, then either BFG 10speed pistol pouches or maybe ESSTAC KYWIs on the left cummerbund, smoke/ pyros on the right cummerbund (probably Tactical Tailor smoke pouches, or Warrior ones if money is tight) and a hydro/ team back panel on the rear. I'll run a med kit on the rear left cummerbund. I'm presuming that IRL pouch placement is pretty much decided by the operator so I'm kinda going for that when thinking about that sort of layout as its a similar layout to my current setup. If I do comms it'll be housed in a PRC152 case (or other kosher radio, I believe a 152 is okay but feel free to correct me 😛) in an MBITR pouch on the rear right cummerbund. Any help/ info/ more reference pics would be appreciated. TIA.
  6. Yeah I've edited appropriately, I'm an eejit and forgot about the holster. Also not got a clue why my images attached like 5 times; I'm still getting to grips with the forum.
  7. Here's my Loadout. MultiCam based, all legit/ real steel. Nothing repro or replica APART FROM MY HOLSTER (because I'm daft and forgot to mention it first time...) Full list top to bottom: MilSpec ProIV Sordins- running independently rather than through comms. Revision Sawfly specs with Amber lenses. Gumshield teeth protection Ferro Concepts FCPC with TYR cummerbund and MOLLE panels, with Grey Ghost hydro, Warrior smoke/ grenade pouch, Warrior utility pouch, Tactical Tailor enhanced admin (moving to my belt). Front pouches are a Ferro triple M4 soft insert and a Blue Force Gear 10-speed triple over the top. Will be running 2 10-speed double pistol pouches and a replica Safariland for my TM Sig P226E2 on my belt, as well as I'm moving the admin panel there too most likely! Rifle is a VFC M27 IAR with various accessories and my rifle sling is a genuine Magpul MS3. Secondary rifle is my custom G&G GC16. That is on top of a full Crye AC combat set in MultiCam, with Karrimor Salomon style boots, cheapo watch and Mechanix gloves. Been asked a couple of times about total costs etc and I estimate the value of this kit to be around £2100. This isn't an impression kit, just all stuff I like and I've had access to. First picture is kit about 2 months ago- second pic is most recent with the Crye top, VFC rifle and new setup on the FCPC.
  8. Hey guys, new account here... (I don't know if this post is in the right place, but couldn't find anywhere else to put it?) Been airsofting for 2 years now, and absolutely love it! Major league gear whore- running full Crye AC combat set, Ferro Concepts plate carrier, WAS sabre leg rig; MilSpec MSA Sordins and all real pouches and accessories. Primary rifle is a VFC M27 IAR AEG which is set up as a field rifle; secondary/ CQB rifle is a custom G&G GC16 and secondary is a custom TM Sig 226E2. Looking forward to using the forums. Any questions just ask and I'll do my best to reply xD
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