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Lewis Sharp

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  • Guns
    Echo one AK 700
    WG Special Combat 1911
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  1. Okay so I'm avoiding both the shotgun and riot shield, but will the red dot sight futon the ak? Thabks again
  2. N1 would this futon the rail do you think? http://www.evike.com/products/42182
  3. I'm sorry mate I don't have a clue Wat I'm talking about but that g17 looks nice!I prefer a nice thick barrel on a pistol my self, normally a nicely fitting laser sight doe the trick or a pistol similar to the p15b crosman air pistol. Wish I could give some real help sorry.
  4. Whilst im on this thread can you gentlemen tell me if this gun is a pitcany or something else rail mount Thanks again. http://www.evike.com/products/42048
  5. Well that thread gave me a pretty quick answer, I think I'm gonna a hold back from both but I Will get a tri-shot shotgun in future Thanks guys.
  6. I'm unsure whether riot sheilds are allowed at sites and how useful are they compared to there weight. Does anyone on the forum own a riot sheild and if so what type. As for shotguns where would you use them/should you have a stock on them or are shortened/stubby shotguns better? Thanks guys.
  7. Cheeses dann no limits looks like a realistic option and area. There's only one problem. Age limit. I'm 14 and my brothers 15 (16 in Feb). I don't know if this is an area where I, we, some one or anyone can barter on the age and I find it hard to think that we would get in since our mum is almost 60 an can't precipitate in many things(nothing no ofence) and she would be unwilling to come anyway. I wish I could go to that though cos it looks BEAST!! I'm emailing them now and I'm keep in track of this thread.
  8. Anyway i wouldn't go on a bus with a RIF exposed to public an I would were a spare pair of clothes cos after the match I would be quite grubby and besides its against acf policy to where uniform in public excluding parades an other events.
  9. No worries. Ccf (combined cadet force) is a private school extra curricular activity where they try do be like "daddy when he was in the army". When they go down to a shooting range they don't get weapon handling tests cos the instructors just load/unload/cock the GP rifle for them. But hey like I said I ain't them (:
  10. Thanks bax I'll look into it. And reiver I wish you were wrong but your right and I'm not a ccf silver spoon tw*t I'm not say u said that but that's what I think of them cos I'm acf and ccf doesn't work. But hey if u know some good sites that's great. Thanks lewis sharp
  11. Thanks bax I'll look into it. And reiver I wish you were wrong but your right and I'm not a ccf silver spoon tw*t I'm not say u said that but that's what I think of them cos I'm acf and ccf doesn't work. But hey if u know some good sites that's great. Thanks lewis shar
  12. Your right about it being quite a hike but it looks like its worth going to 'if' we can because the distance would take some time on a bus. I have seen some in Newcastle and I would like to also know if you know anything about them? And where are you based around so I don't ask some stupid local question.
  13. And some useless info, I'm in the Northumbria Army Cadet Force (NACF)
  14. http://w0.fast-meteo.com/locationmaps/Wooler.8.gif I used Wooler because im closer to Wooler than alnwick but that doesn't matter. Thx for your effort.
  15. Thanks baxter me an the bro are at alnwick. If you know where that is. If not... Then I'll post a map in the next post..
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