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Everything posted by Talltom

  1. damn you beat me to it just worked out you can buy that entire set for 160 brand new and delivered also of note he joined 58 mins ago
  2. "bought a year ago and returned to me by the police today; long story;" forget the price I want to know the story🤣
  3. its certainly a good start but I agree with the monkee that 14 a week is still in theory at least 56 adverts a month, I cant see any reason to need any more than 10 adverts a month, I've recently downsized my collection of 30 and I don't think I hit more than 10 at any point
  4. thought id have a look around today as I've been after an tm ak74 for a while and I must say pretty shocked rules were had to be in stock and in the uk new from dealers the price range goes from £364 all the way up to £427 that's a 63quid difference, what I wonder is how much is tm charging for one direct (I know you cant buy direct) but it sure makes you wonder
  5. 30 adverts ongoing at the mo and that's not including the completed/uncompleted ones
  6. sorry had to first result https://extremeairsoft.co.uk/shop/assault-rifles/electric-aeg-rifles/classic-guns/st-avenger-pp-19-bizon-sportsline/
  7. so I'm not very good at counting but I go 1 2 3 4 5 but he seems to go 1 2 4 5 but as a welder I must be doing it wrong as when I weld its not supposed to be able to move so how do you move a welded lever to allow you to go full tonto?
  8. wow bit much but must admit that box mag looks cool not 100quid cool but still cool
  9. ill let you have 51 mate https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-metal-l85a2-sa80-assault-rifle-airsoft-gun-aeg-sale 🤣
  10. ill give you 150 and a bag of haribo 🤣🤣
  11. you seen the one on here for 70 its a bit green but...
  12. what would be a more accurate price on this one guys he doesn't seem to care about my offer of 150
  13. That's a deal but I'm still waiting for my g19 from them and it's been over 2weeks
  14. so before reverting to name-calling how's about a nice purrrrty picture, that's the only way you'll get us "nutters" to stop
  15. oh wowsa Tezza do a google search on the word in bold below: sarcasm
  16. a new old one: so anyone else seeing the same thing I am here
  17. scroll to the 3rd from bottom post...… and that was three years ago https://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum/classifieds/swaps-only/235914-we-l85a2-gbb and then look at this and try your username.. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=avenger63+airsoft&sxsrf=ALeKk00aCV4rK_SHVXU4OK0LHh_10eVGXw:1590603971211&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnrrrF1dTpAhXbaRUIHd33AQQQ_AUoAnoECAoQBA&biw=1920&bih=935
  18. just going to point out covid but hey ho also why does that sound like someone's been told to say that
  19. I've messaged both off them to see If either can get more pics one of them clearly doesn't have it
  20. I would genuinely do it his work is top notch if you do it in pink though im sure you would become the biggest princess on the field
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