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Posts posted by noodles23

  1. A lot of people highly rate the ghk G5 (I have no experience with them)


    I personally highly rate my tippmann m4, while technically not a gbbr, being hpa, it is much cheaper to run, and readily accepts m4 mags etc

    hmm the tippman m4 does take my fancy, never had a gun that ran HPA style but looks to be quite promising since I do play out in woodland environment it would probably be better I will continue to have a look at the tippman aswell as anything els that pops up, but thank you for dropping this gem of a gun to me!
  2. Looking for a GBBR to have out on the field and since this would be my first gas rifle I thought it best get some advice from people that know a lot more than me, anyway what's the best value for money GBBR's on the market at the moment and if anyone's got any recommendations on gas rifles they own i would love to hear them! Cheers

  3. Or if your experienced enough. Go for a we gbb. I love mine, but only if your willing to put the time into them as your do have to clean them after every skirmish. Plus they do work very well out tge box no mods required to work. Only need to change the valve in nozzle for a npas system. But if you are not confident in haveing a gbb I'd go for the ics aeg.

    as much as I would like to own a a GBBR I'm not the most confident in the use or construction of them so I will probably stick with AEG's for the time being until i have learnt a little bit more about them.
  4. looking to buy a L85 in the coming months as a new primary but as there is a fair few makes I am not sure what the best value for money is, iv heard a lot of good things about the ICS version so that's a start. Would like to hear some of the thoughts of the people who know more about the makes of this model so I can make the right choice in picking a make of the gun.

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