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Sacarathe last won the day on June 11 2017

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    ASG Scorpion EVO
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  1. Is there a way to change the grey font on white? So hard to read.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. proffrink


      Yep. Much nicer. Perhaps we should give it a few weeks then see what people think though, Sacarathe. I mean I do know there's the option to readily duplicate 'themes' and have them selectable by the user. Perhaps we could make up one that's slightly more contrasty for regular folks who just wanna read? Either way, this seems like a very nice middle ground that's akin to the old site.


      Every goddamn major IPB version they go and try to make it all look nice instead of creating an actual good environment for power users and new users alike. I'd probably have wanted to kill myself reading that faint grey on white for a month.

    3. Sacarathe



      I'd probably have wanted to kill myself reading that faint grey on white for a month.

      Heh, I got there after only 2 hours. But I do have ASD and a major preference for sepia on sepia.

    4. Sacarathe


      The background colour looks a lot better now the sun has come out. :)

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