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  • Guns
    G&G Combat Machine
  • Sites
    Ground Zero and Spec Ops Airsoft
  • Gender
  • Location
    South England
  • Interests
    Basketball, airsoft and hopefully one day mil sim

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  1. I've been looking all over recently for atacs FG combat shirt that's not over £30 and can't find anything I'm also looking for a pair of trousers for the same kinda price range. Would anyone have experience buying atacs FG or knows of a good bargain?
  2. Does anyone know where to buy custom patches they don't have to be embroided just need a basic patch. Do you have any experience getting or making patches?
  3. yeah I tried that but didn't seem to work in having trouble disassembling it would you happen to have a link to a guide for it?
  4. My G&G 450 hi cap mag isn't clicking as it winds up it wasn't a problem at first as it would still feed but now it's stopped feeding any advice??
  5. As the search for mags continues I spread my search to overseas and so I went on to evike and found these mags http://www.evike.com/products/48423 For $10 and they have excellent reviews would it be worth the shipping and VAT to buy them? Do you guys have experience with buying mags from the US
  6. ahah this is true but becoming broker and broker starts making cheap mags more and more attractive
  7. that's what I was fearing hoping someone else had dived in first
  8. Just got an email from land warrior airsoft and they've started selling nuprol mags for £10 so are they any good? Do you have any experience with them? And would they fit a G&G M4?
  9. I think I'm going to be the only one here posting rap but I've been listening to the album Life of Pablo by Kanye West
  10. I've got an ASG Aug coming in with an FPS of 394 will I have to cut the spring and if so how much to bring to 350? Or will I have to buy a new spring and if so what kind and where should I buy it from? Thank you
  11. I'm going to be upgrading my new gun G&G R8-L. And after some research I decided that the best upgrade would be to upgrade the hop up unit and the brand that kept coming up was Prowin Will upgrading the hop up improve the range? Is Prowin a good brand? Do I have to upgrade anything else for it to work? Is replacing the hop up easy? Thank you for any replies it's greatly appreciated
  12. Woodland and there is a gap in the bottom of the glasses
  13. I also need an opinion on if lower face and shooting glasses are a safe combination or not?
  14. That's what I was thinking I mean is it worth being a little more comfy but get your teeth shot out
  15. Whenever you get on to the topic of lower face protection and wether to wear it or not the first thing that comes to people's heads is getting teeth shot out. So I want to know how likely is it to get your teeth shot out and is it worth the comfort of no lower face? I run with a small lower face mesh protecter and glasses but most of my mates don't use lower face. Is there any point in wearing the lower mesh? Also on a side note someone told me that wearing glasses and lower face mesh is risky because the bbs can bounce of it and under the glasses into your eye, is this true? Thank you.
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