So the UKARA registration is £40 per year, but site membership is (usually) free? I am just having trouble deciphering whether or not I book as a member or non-member on the Skirmish airsoft webpage that Airsoft-Ed mentioned. The membership on their booking page states £40 per year, hence my guess that it was UKARA "membership" or database registration.
Sorry if that's garbled, please feel free to tell me to hush haha.
Airsoft is a money pit though, holster, gas and large BB purchase £50 down, and then I need to pick up some decent boots that are more comfortable that DR Martens haha. I can't justify the Camo to the Mrs so I think I am going down the operator route and going Coyote/Black load out that is a bit harder wearing than the Matalan cargo trousers I am rocking at the minute! Roll on payday.