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Aengus last won the day on June 26 2015

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  1. Looking at these articles complaining about plus size clothing being more expensive than smaller sizes? Where has logic and reason gone? Should 1L of juice cost the same as 2L?? Discrimination? Raaaah /rant

    1. Lozart


      Thing is though in terms of sheer economics the difference in materials cost is negligible so why should one size cost any more than another? I dare say though that retailers will just use this as an opportunity to hike the prices up on the smaller sizes!

    2. Aengus


      My thoughts exactly. More stitches = takes longer. Surely the most common sizes would be the cheapest and the plus sizes as they're not as common can't be made in such bulk to save upon costs. Although fatties are becoming more common 😂

    3. Lozart


      Shops like New Look buy so many of every size that there is no reason to charge more for larger sizes. The materials cost is SO low that almost everything your paying is for transport, distribution and profit margin. Anyone trying to tell you that it costs more to make larger clothes is taking the piss.

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