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  1. well more people say that they are both great guns so ill just go with the G&G because it is less wallet intensive ;p
  2. the SRC is Gen 3 and has more FPS. I think i will go with the SRC.
  3. New to this place and new to airsoft Joined because you all seem like a nice and knowledgeable lot of people.
  4. i agree ;-; ill wait for a few more replies before i make a final decision. Lots of people the the youtubes say the the SRC is great but people on here say get the G&G
  5. back again These are the 2 guns i have come down to. I need help from you guys deciding on which one is better based on how easy it is to use, performance and how easy it is to maintain SRC G36C http://www.airsoftworld.net/two-tone-src-g36c-gen-iii-airsoft-rifle.html G&G Raider: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403_494&products_id=6076 Thanks allot
  6. here is where is plan to buy this: https://jdairsoft.net/assault/0/asg-armalite-m15a4-ris-sl Well this is my first good airsoft gun (2 tone because of UKARA) and i know this will do the job leading up to gaining the UKARA licence, but the question is will it last? this gun is £155 and is allot of money for me, so im hoping to have it last a year. I was hoping to buy a SRC G36 but i just cant find one :'( Thanks people
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