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Everything posted by Almightybeardedkial

  1. Green Balaclava 3.99 Neoprene Balaclava 2.99 Call of duty Ghost Balaclava 5.49 Nitro Anti Fog Goggles 7.99 2 GB Patches 10 Black Surplus British Assault Boots 19.99 MTP Smock 34.99 Olive Mesh Half Face Mask 6.42 Blackhawk Olive Knee Pads 15.99 I can't stop !!!!!!
  2. Thanks for your reply man, I'm totally sold on the Blackhawk pads for sure can't wait to try them out !
  3. Wow nice reply man totally get what your saying, as I haven't been to a game yet your advice on trying different options makes perfect sense and I suppose whatever I buy first will be a tester as to what I will have there on so I appreciate your advice and the time you out into your reply ! I had no idea Airsoft had such a vast number of followers it's fucking brilliant ! Where can I get eye pro from ?
  4. Yeah I agree the viper ones look a bit flat. Think I'll go with the Blackhawk and return the viper ones, searched the hatch centurion they look similar to the Blackhawk ones. Any advice on glasses ? It's between ASG & G&G ones that I've seen
  5. Because I couldn't decide, I bought Viper Olive knee pads and Blackhawk Olive knee pads anyone have any advice on which are better solely on durability and longevity ?
  6. Yeah same boat as me then more or less I'm looking at getting the G&G cm16, but getting a sight for the hire gun sounds like a good shout where did you buy it from ? Only problem I have with high cap mags is the rattle is there much stealth going or do people stick together because that'd be my concern if I'm alone don't want bbs rattling around in my mag, can you get mid cap mags at the site ? Hoping to be there November time. Thanks for the reply
  7. Well I already have all my camo, vest and pouches so I guess I only need a G36c and a few mags and bbs but nice one for letting me know
  8. Thanks for the replys fellas, I'm aiming to go in November my mate is still to get a few essentials to Airsoft with, but I can't wait to get to my first game we've been gathering bits of gear for a few months and hopefully will be set for November. Do you know what's extra with the upgraded package for £25 for the G36C ? Sounds awesome I listen to everyone's advice but best thing is to try myself but I'm sure I'll love it ! I'll try and post a picture of my loadout is there anyway off tagging people and how do you upload a picture on a thread ?
  9. British military surplus as mentioned is your best option price wise as they are really cheap and they are either issued or ex issued foot wear, generally the size you are should reflect the boot size, I bought magnums from them and got a size 11 and they fit fine, as you will need boots for Airsoft and cadets I would recommend leather as they will easier than suede to clean for cadets especially now with the current weather so when you airsoft you can use them and clean for cadets two birds one stone, the alternative get two pairs so you can have a set pair for both activitys. All along though it's personal preference and what sort of look you want for airsoft, what CAMO do you have for airsoft ? Dpm will look better with a black boot and MTP best suits a tan or desert boot but again that's your choice. Comfort ability is obviously factor one so ask your cadet buddies about their boots so you can get a better idea. Die with your boots on !!!
  10. I know it's personal preference but it doesn't sound like a good experience to me I reckon I'll give it a try I need my first 3 games to be with the same site just so I get my defence but I would like to try different sites across the UK but you gotta start somewhere eh where do you play now ?
  11. Well I just sort of researched before I started talking and getting into airsoft and I can imagine it's frustrating when people refer to UKARA as a 'licence' but joining this forum has helped a lot I like the Airsoft community I thought I was the only one who liked guns and being able to have a fun and realistic experience of combat and being able to suit up ! It's one of the best things I've engaged in.
  12. Cheers for the reply man, probably a good move to hire like you said but I just have such a craving to be able to buy a rifle now ! Hate waiting but it's how it is
  13. alright fellow airsoft enthusiasts just wanted to know if anyone on here has been to the fist and only Bolton woodland site nd if so could share any insight on what to expect on your first airsoft outing, Im getting all my gear together I have the basics like CAMO,gloves,boots,vest, eye protection and headwear just wondering also if there's anything else I should bring ? I know the whole 3 games in no less than 2 months deal to be able to buy a RIF from a retailer so would it be worthwhile me waiting to get an RIF in black or tan or just get the gun I want two toned and then spray over after 3 games since I'd have a defence in the eyes of the law ? Sorry it's a long post just want to educated on these things
  14. How much did you pay for the patch and can you give me some info on how to place an order ?
  15. Great nice one guys, love this forum very informative and good advice.
  16. Just wondering if any knows if it's okay to borrow a friends Rifle to take to a game for the first time ? As I'm new in not a regular skirmisher but could I get away with using it as I would have a genuine and truthful reason to be carrying it to and from the site and could provide proof where I'm going if I was to be stopped by the authority's.
  17. Field Textiles - Bristish military surplus Essex www.britisharmysurplus.co.uk PatrolBase Huddersfield www.patrolbase.co.uk
  18. MTP combat shirt (mandarin collar) MTP Mrk 2 trousers Magnum desert patrol boots Oakley tactical gloves (olive) Osprey ITW NEXUS grenade molle grenade pouch Cp CAMO molle vest (soon to be replaced with a condor molle vest)
  19. I've messaged them for a quote just waiting for a reply. @ Remus how much did you pay and how long to wait ?
  20. Again thanks a lot people will defo look into these different options feel better now I know there's a easier way.
  21. Me and my friend are new to airsoft were in the process of buying all our necessity sand aiming for our first game in November at First and only Bolton woodland. My mate does graphic design for a living so he's put together some cool patch designs, just wondering has anyone had their own made and how much they paid ? We only need two everywhere we looked requires at least 30 to be ordered ?
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