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Scope cam - mobius maxi with everything needed

Scope cam - mobius maxi with everything needed


  • Price £85
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Scope cam - mobius maxi with everything needed to use straight away

Will come with mobius maxi plus accesories

SanDisk ultra hc1 32gb SD card

3 lenses
Original wide angle lense
20-30m lens
40-60m lens 

5200mah Anker power bank

I bought this in summer last year and have used it for 2 games and haven't played since so don't find it a necessity to keep hold of! 

It shoots in 2.7k 30fps, 1080p 60fps or 720p at 120fps. It can be controlled remotely by the mobius app and shows live view for focusing the lenses when swapping. To swap lenses it's now a simple unscrew and screw the new one on to the correct focus.

With the power bank attached it can last all day recording with plenty of battery left and once connected will keep the camera powered on so you only have to press the record button on and off when needed.

Price is 85 delivered 

Desborough, Northamptonshire - United Kingdom

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