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Jing Gong HK416

Jing Gong HK416


  • Price £50
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This gun has been used extensively for skirmishing as can be seen from the pictures.

I have not used the gun for about 4 years.

The gun still shoots but i have no idea what sort of condition the internals are in.


The gun has HK markings pressed into the lower receiver which you can still see even though it has been sprayed tan.

From memory this gun fires hot so if you want to skirmish with it you probably want to run it through a chrono and possibly downgrade it.


Solid gun but as you can see has been used frequently.


Also the laser sight probably does not work but i have no idea.


I will not sell to you if you cannot prove valid legal defence for purchasing a RIF. If you cannot do this please don't waste my time.


  • Make
    Jing Gong
  • Model
    HK 416
  • FPS

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