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G&g L85A2 with real steel furniture

G&g L85A2 with real steel furniture


  • Price £250
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Will split at request, just message me what your after and how much your willing to pay, need it gone so you may get lucky!

Make: G&g
Gun/Model: L85A2
Accessories: 1 Hi cap, Real steel Susat and Real Steel DD rail. Gripod, perhaps the case if I get full asking price.
Condition: Good
FPS: 300
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: Maybe?
Price/Payment: £300(open to offers)
Pictures: Always


So here is one of my many “project” guns, realising I don’t have the time to fix and build them all, I’m getting rid of a few.


This gun has a Real steel Susat, Real steel DD rail(not a mad bull replica) I have been offered £200 for the rail and saw a RS Susat sell one eBay 8 months ago for £250. If I sold these separately I’d be left with a gun without handrail and scope and I don’t want that!


Cons: The gun is currently wired to Big Tamiya(can provide the deans connectors to change on request).

It has the Usual G&G L85 issues, it fires in auto constantly, semi works, when the box is put back in the shell and the selector isn’t moved, but as soon as it’s put in safe/auto. It only fires auto.

Some mags don’t clip in the magwell as they should. Common Fault with these.


Hence why it was my project. I had sorted the semi issue out of the gun, but as soon as I put it back in, it decides the mess up, I have the deans connectors, and I know how to fix the magwell(it’s well documented online)


Pros: The gearbox is brilliant, took it apart and had a play, actually like this design more than the V2. Compression is perfect. 

You get roughly 50m accurate out of this gun, however, being 300 FPS they get there damn slowly. A spring change on this takes 5mins tops, and if you want to collect it and have a spring I will install while your here!

This gun gets comments and looks wherever it goes. It really does draw a crowd.



Any questions, more photos, information/offers, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m easy going.


Collection from Herts, possibly arrange delivery depending on offer!

Will possibly split if I get enough interest.


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Gripod, Real Steel Susat, Real Steel Handguard, Case if full price offered, will throw in 3 Nimh batteries of collected too, 1 Stanag Mag.


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