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LCT G3A3,AM-013,AS01 striker, plus gear

LCT G3A3,AM-013,AS01 striker, plus gear


  • Price £600
1 Offer
0 Questions


Moving house and no longer have time to play. 


No posting,splitting,swaps,meeting half way. If you can't collect I don't want to know.


Ares striker S1 - upgraded bolt, barrel stabilizers, hope up chamber, hop up rubber, trigger sear mod, hawk nite-eye 6.5x20 zoom red and green illumination, bipod, flash hider. 480fps on .2g. 2x standard 45 rnd mags, 2x short 45rnd mags. Different weighed bb's. Swiss arms carry bag.

LCT G3A3. All stock. Set up as DMR with a screw stopping full auto. 410fps. 3x 180 mid caps, 1x 500rnd hi cap.

Ares honey badger. Lonex motor, madbull hopup rubber, tomtac microswitch gearbox. 4x red and green scope with laser. Battery compartment extender. 335fps at 20rnds per second. 6x lonex 350rnd flash mags. 1x stock mag. Bottle of .2g and .25g bb's. Mags are also full up with .2g. 500rnd loader mag. Pistol loader mag.

WE P226 gas blow back pistol. Raven 6.01 barrel, rwa hop up rubber. 4x 23rnd mags, extra mag pouch holding 2 and a viper pistol leg holster. 1 mini can of gas.

2x 1300 7.4 box lipo batteries. Deans
1x 2600 7.4 stick lipo battery. Deans
1x 1500 7.4 box lipo battery. Deans
1x 2600 11.1 stick lipo battery. Deans
Lipo charger with power pack. Deans

Cortech chronograph.

2 mesh half masks
1 safety goggles (brand new unopened)
1 mesh goggles
1 multi cam helmet
1 multi cam mag drop pouch
1 ammo pouch holds thousands of BB's and very quiet when running unlike the bottles
1 Kombat tactical multi cam rig (brand new never used) 
1 viper chest rig
1 2-point viper sling
2 smoke grenades
1 flash bang
1 WE M14 stock (brand new) 
1 authentic looking Thompson sub machine gun mag pouch with 3 low cam Thompson mags of unknown make
1 broken SRC G36 MG with low scope rail and high rail with built in scope


  • Make
  • Model
    Striker AS01, LCT G3A3, Ares honey badger AM-013,WE p226
  • FPS
    480, 410, 335, 300
  • Accessories
    See details

Cowfold, West sussex

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