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L119A1 project for sale

L119A1 project for sale


  • Price £450
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Tokyo marui ngrs socom L119A1 project for sale


mosfet has red light and I know nothing on how to programme it, to replace is £40 and may solve all the issues.


Apparently internally  it’s had an r hopped barrel, upgraded gears bushings and piston plus upgraded motor & all original Tokyo marui are with it.


the gun is in great condition and is perfect for the project, I was going to put in a btc or my zer mosfet front wired for the L119A1 build




The socom cost £400


internals plus mosfet = needs replacing? £150 plus


the warlord tactical grip, front sight ,sling mount and rubber buttpad £113


genuine car15 buttpad from brownels £50


all that is needed to complete the sas L119A1 is the g&p front rail grip set & the get the barrel chopped ,the bayonet lug removed and a blank receiver engraved plus some internals and your done.


the mag is a high cap so if you want to use it you will need an adapter.


  • Make
    Tokyo marui
  • Model
    Socom ngrs
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    As in listing and photos

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