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ICS m4 with G&P KAC rail system

ICS m4 with G&P KAC rail system


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4 Questions


G&P KAC front rail system, 
Magpul stock, 
Madbull rail riser, 
integrated suppressor, 
m27 style grip


99% sure this has internal upgrades, but I'm not 100% sure so would sell as stock and anything you get is a bonus.


Think it including a fet as i can see some wiring in the stock tube. TBB and the hop set up shoot for miles


Great fun with good ROF, split gear box for easy access.


Selling as thinning out collection and I've now moved over to recoils so no need for this as a back up gun.

If you're a starter or need accessories, lemme know and I'll see what I have spare


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Hi mate, 


That a metal body? & could you send a vid of it working at your earliest convenience please? 



Sorry - only just saw this. It is a metal body - will get a video a bit later tonight

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