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Gas pistol mags

Gas pistol mags


  • Price £30
0 Offers
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Hi all

Got multiple different pistol mags here


I have no idea if any are leaking, they could all be fully working for all I know, but for the buyers risk I have priced them cheap


can't test them as don't often use gbb's these days so I have no gas on hand.


They all look in pretty good condition. In all honesty, I don't think I've even actually used any of them. Some have a few light scuffs from being shuffled about in my spares/parts/wastedmoney/whyamialwaysbroke box


1x WE G17 mag


2x asg/stti MK23 mags should be tm/ssx23 compatible)


2x KJW m9 mags ( 1x original kjw and 1x asg oem by kjw, again should both be tm compatible)


I know it's more ideal to split these but I just want rid in one go


£30 + £3 postage for the lot


I have another advert on here "airsoft bits" can sell them with the mags for £50, I'll still even call the postage £3! how about that!


Thanks for looking





- United Kingdom

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