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VFC LAR / FAL + 8 Mags

VFC LAR / FAL + 8 Mags


  • Price £650 Shipment cost 7 GBP
  • 2 watching
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So I'm selling my Rhodie style FAL as I'm unfortunately getting out of the sport. This has been my main gun for the past few years but has never had any issues running and has alway been serviced after a couple games. All the mags are gas tight and good to go and the gun happily shoots about 60-70 meters on 0.30g bbs. It also has a NPAS installed so you can very the FPS depending on the time of year.


But with this being my main gun it has suffed some wear and tear over time the 2 issues it has are - the charging handle has snapped making it a bit harder to cock and the roll pin gor the selector has come our so I'd you try to put the gun in to full auto the detent comes out. I have run the gun with these problems gor about a while now and it has no real affect on the function of the gun. All the parts needed to replace this can ve found on WGC shop but I've never got round to ordering them.


I'm looking for about 650 for the gun which I know is less than what these guns normally go for but the lower price reflects the cost of getting the replacement parts. If the buyer cover the PP fees I'm happy to ship for free.



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  • FPS
  • Accessories
    8 mags + original box

, Fife

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