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Classic Army M14

Classic Army M14


  • Price £140
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Make: Classic Army
Accessories: 3x High cap mags and 1x Mid cap, Working illuminated scope
Condition: Very good
FPS: 310
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange:N/N/N
Price/Payment: £140 inc postage


Got given this by a friend to sell who had stored it in his loft for a few years and even when he got it, had only used it a handful of times


I gave it a once over, it had a sticky trigger (Which was only caused by the trigger contacts being to far apart meaning you really had to pull the trigger to make it fire) this has now been fixed and i have a video of of it cycling perfectly if you wish to see it


All original Classic army internals, This is the original V7 that the G&G is cloned from, so although classic army do not make these anymore, G&G Parts will fit should they ever need parts, this also has an mosfet installed and it rear wired to deans, unfortunately i couldn't tell you which one it is as its shrink wrapped but going by the age of the gun and what mosfets were about then and the size of it im going to assume its a Gate PicoABB


I threw on a scope i had spare so whoever buys it has a good package to start off with


  • Make
    Classic Army
  • Model
    M14 Match
  • FPS

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