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TM NGRS SCAR H upgraded with mags and hard case

TM NGRS SCAR H upgraded with mags and hard case


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I bought this from Defcon Airsoft on 03/06/19.
I did the upgrade work myself and have used with over the past two years, from 2019 to 2021.  Life and work has really got in the way the last few years and looking to get back to airsofting but with my trusty SR25.  This TM NGRS SCAR H has served me very well, has the usual markings and scuffs on the body.  Fires around 350fps, when last used.  This has been sitting in my case for the last couple of years, so the fps might vary - would think a fresh spring would do it.  This comes with one battery, six mags (all working perfectly) total of seven mags, red speed loader and adapter, manual and cleaning rod.  Also will include the scope attached which works and comes with a battery.


NitroV QD Swivel Mount Set for SCAR Rifle.
Laylax POM piston head for recoil scar
Laylax aero cylinder head v2
TN 6.03mm barrel 455mm
Laylax hard piston for recoil scar
Laylax metal bearing bushings
Spring guide with bearings
Prometheus air nozzle neo for TM scar
Gate titan advanced rear wired
7.4v 1300mah 25c lipo battery

Tan hard case


I live in Bracknell, UK.


Asking for £400 but open to offers.



  • Make
  • Model
    SCAR H
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Mags, scope, speedloader, batteries

BRACKNELL, Berkshire - United Kingdom

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