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ghk 74


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ghk: post 2020 v3, wide reciever (both style mags fit fine) has been remedied with extra c clamps on all pins, slightly misaligned hop, wheel spins fine feeding tray also sits fine, just makes it harder to get a good airseal so you have to piss about with it for a few minutes every once in a while, ran 2 games with it on hpa, only had to resit it once . is firing fine atm, cant guarantee the rubber wont need to be realigned as pf beats the hell out of their parcels, tested a tnt hop and barrel assembly and it was flawless, i think the hops just dinger

2 mags haephestus magwell and repro zenit b30 rail included 

looking for gas trades, as i cannot get a ak aeg mag hpa adapter nor drum

whatsapp: 7368 308373


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