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Magazines SR25, and Hex mags all other items sold ******

Magazines SR25, and Hex mags all other items sold ******


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4 items for sale

postage is £3.50 (no matter how many lots you buy)


paypal fees must be covered by the buyer - but please take the time to review my sales reputation and feedback, and consider paying by friends and family. I am a Safe bet ! 

1. 2no, SR25 mid cap magazines, these fed flawlessly in my A&K SR25 DMR, I believe they are 150 round, and fed .4g bbs easily to the last BB, £10 each  2 sold **.   2 left 


2 Hex mags, 5.56, Airsoft M4/M16 , mid caps, these are genuinely the best performing and feeding AR mags I have ever used. I did have 30 of these and there is 8 left and now I don’t have an AEG  AR now, so time to down size the surplus mags.   PS they also look awesome.  ** sold ** but I have more coming . Message me please if interested 


£9 each free postage with 4 or more.   Discount if you want 6 or more ….


3. 4x  ACOG . ** SOLD *


4 T1 style on low mount ** sold**





- United Kingdom

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