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WANTED - WE Apache MP5

WANTED - WE Apache MP5


  • Price £300
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Hey hi hello

I'm on the prowl for a WE Gas Blowback MP5 in good working condition. 

I'm aware there are some dotted about on UK retailer websites but from what I've found most are either preorders or woefully overpriced at 500-600 quid or more and at that point I'd rather take the L and get shafted by customs and buy one from Gunfire, or follow the herd and get an MWS or something 🤷‍♂️

I'd consider any model/furniture setup including the MP5K though if I was to give in and buy one new I'd probably go the extra for a standard length model.
Ideally at least one working leak free mag too so I at least have something functional I can work with and add to :) 

Will consider spending a little bit more for additional mags etc. but I'm not looking to spend too much on a huge bundle, or unnecessary frills like attachments or cases.

If in the South Yorkshire area I could arrange to collect from you, otherwise it would have to be posted - obviously happy to factor this into the cost. 


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, South Yorkshire

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