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Ares striker AS03 two tone

Ares striker AS03 two tone


1 Offer
1 Question


Here I have my Ares as03 two tone it's great fun fantastic range and power shooting at 380-400fps on 0.2g bbs enough to reach out to 60 plus meters. 


The gun itself comes boxed with a thread adapter to 14 mm ccw so ready to mount a suppressor or tracer 


I have skirmished this once and is in fully working order shoot really well currently set hop for 0.28g tracers 


Comes with one mag one spread loader 

Will include the scope and mountings the scope PAO 3-9x40 with crystal clear retical one of the best scopes i have used and really good eye relief. 


I also have a modified shotgun scabbard I can throw in.


Wanting £ 80 posted and paypal ono 

Based near hull,



Thanks for looking.


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Scope, thread adapter, speed loader

North Lincolnshire

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