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KCS sti eagle 6.0 bit vintage gas blow back 1999

KCS sti eagle 6.0 bit vintage gas blow back 1999


  • Price £49.99 Shipment cost 20 GBP
1 Offer
3 Questions


For sale, my KCS STI EAGLE 6.0 GAS BLOWBACK. Sadly there's an issue with it where the gun fires once then the slide stays back and the gas is released from the magazine.



I've had this since the early 2000s, where it used to work fantastically. Nice weight and blow back action. I packed it up and put in it a cupboard a few years later and got it out earlier this year where I found the issue I described above. It uses the older gas type being an old gas gun and after a few tries I ran out of gas (which was as old as the gun) and as I dont have the skills to fix, I'm hoping someone else does.


The gun is in good condition but the previous owner shaved a bit off the front part of the trigger guard to fit a laser. This isn't noticeable unless looking at that part close up, but it is there. The magazine is included, it's the last image in the listing.


Thanks to an eagle eyed person there is a crack in the plastic near the rear sight. The metal part underneath is not cracked as far as I can see. I actually thought it was just a big scratch. Please be aware this is a used, very old piece and is subject to this sort of deterioration I would say due to age. (Happens to us all!)

I've been told even with this issue this is worth well over £120 to the right person if vintage guns is your thing. So I've priced it as such but I'm open to offers or trades for used pistols.


Collection from Kent, or shipping UK only.


  • Make
  • Model
    Sti eagle 6.0

- United Kingdom

Recommended Questions

The slide is cracked? 

No mag and looks like the trigger guard has been ground away 



Mag is included and in working order as far as I can see. Where are you seeing a crack on the slide? I can't see one myself. But if you tell me the area you think you see one I'll check it out for you. 

As the description states the trigger guard was shaved down a bit to fit a trigger mounted laser. 

Edited by Jez_Armstrong

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On the rear sight, below the word LEFT is what looks like a crack running down the slide from top to bottom down to the thumb rest 



Good spot. It's the out plastic shell that's cracked. The inner metal part isnt cracked though. 

I'd doubt anyone would use this in a game though right? Ive been told it uses the old low pressure gas so is really just a collectors piece?

I'm only trying to sell as otherwise I'll chuck it in a drawer and leave it there for another decade 🤣

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That's the problem, as a collector this is something that's going to put collectors off, unfortunately I spotted it instantly otherwise I would have bought it 



Yeah that's fair play on your behalf. I've updated the description to show that as I want to be open about the condition. But it sounds like it will just end up in the cupboard again!

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