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TM ngrs car 15 build (BONEYARD)

TM ngrs car 15 build (BONEYARD)


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I'm regretfully selling my custom ngrs car15/m723 build. As I've mentioned in the title this is currently a boneyard rif, the rif itself hasn't been used since 2019 when I ran into technical issues which is when it stopped functioning. I'm not a tech myself so I never got round to getting it fully diagnosed but I'm sure if you're more technically inclined it should be a relatively simple fix. The ngrs has a list of upgrades which I will list in the description. As shown in the pictures the battery is housed in a GPS pouch on the side of the stock, the bolt catch is quite worn and when I used it last it had a 50/50 chance of working. The rif shot around the 330-340 mark on 0.2s, accessories are included (sight, flashlight etc...). Cheers for looking and feel free to shoot me a message if you're interested. 


Upgrades list:


Prometheus 363mm tbb with prometheus purple bucking and flat hop nub

Extra hop up unit 

V1 BTC spectre

Deans wiring

Nuprol gearset 

Shs high torque motor 



  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
    Car 15
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Accessories included

- United Kingdom

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