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LCT AKS74U + LCT B-18 Rail Mount

LCT AKS74U + LCT B-18 Rail Mount


1 Question




Selling this beaut, basically bought it ‘cause it was pretty, this has barely been used and stored away and is pretty much flawless.


Internals are stock, has been wired to deans (see pic) and I did some work on the grip to make it both smoother and gripper to hold (Stock LCT motor grips are horribly molded for some reason) Other than that it’s the same.

Comes with its original mag, and a B-18 rail mount very low profile for optics (no battery just to be clear)


Looking for £265 inc. postage & PayPal, as always any questions I will answer them; anyone willing to collect I’ll drop the price by a chunk


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  • Accessories
    1 mag, rail mount

- United Kingdom

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